Shitty Flips Stats

How do Shitty Flips work?

What tokens can I flip?

For a full list of the community tokens you can flip, checkout the dropdown next to "Bet Amount" above or read more about them in our Shitty Docs.

What are the fees for flips?
All Flips have a 3% fee rounded down. For example, if you flip 100 Shitty Treats, it will actually cost you 103 Shitty Treats.
What is the max bet?
The max bet is different for each token and is dynamic based on the current supply of the token in the Flip wallet.
Why is Pera Wallet disabled for Shitty Flips?
An issue sometimes occurs when using Pera Wallet where users will transfer Shitty Treats, the connection will error out, and then the Shitty Treats are lost. Pera Wallet has been disabled until this bug is fixed.