Shitty Paintings

Spend 2,000 $TREATS and 50-75 USDC for an 11x14 canvas painting of a Shitty Kitty you own.

To sign up for the reserve list, select a Shitty Kitty from your collection and pay 2,000 $TREATS. Sign up before July 1, 2024 12:00 AM EDT to be eligible for drawings.

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Each round we'll select a random winner from the reserve list. The winner will pay 50-75 USDC and receive a painting of the Shitty Kitty they selected. Each painting will take at least 7 days. The colors in the paintings may not match exactly to your NFT. We'll get to everyone that enters but some will take longer than others. Thanks for your patience!

Free Shipping - must provide an address to receive the painting in the mail